Exeter Arts & Therapies (EATc) Conferences
Insider Art ran 9 succesful conferences between 2001-2010, as the 'Exeter Arts and Therapies Conferences, or EATc. Different events were supported by Devon Partnership NHS Trust, The British Association of Art Therapists, Arts Council England and the University of Exeter. The intention of these events was to get artists, community artists, mental health workers, medical professionals, people who use services and arts therapists in the same room and establishing communities of interest. They succeeded in doing so.
The EATc programme may resume, but we are considering whether the conference format meets current needs. As the well being of practitioners themselves is increasingly threatened, we are thinking about what might help..
Details of the most recent event follow.
For information from the whole series, click here.
The 9th Exeter Arts & Therapies Conference EATc
Our last conference in 2010 successfully focused on broad arts & health practice in Devon. See below for information, reviews and feedback.
9th Exeter Arts & Therapies Conference. EATc.
Friday September 17th 2010. 10.00am -4.30pm. The Exeter Guildhall, Devon.

Doom & Bloom
Promoting successful Arts & Mental Health practice work in Devon.
In challenging times people need both art and community more not less.
When EATc began in 2002 there were few projects in Devon specifically working with the arts and mental health. This event celebrated an explosion in their diversity, range and number since then. We offered many groups ‘shop windows’ into that they do and with many of the people doing this. The pace was be fast and furious! We showed educational, community, environmental and therapeutic approaches to creativity in living.
It was a chance to gather, give and receive inspiration and to feel our strength in numbers.
The event was made very affordable by the generous help of Devon Partnership NHS Trust, The Self Heal Association and Insider Art, with the support of Arts & Health South West, and with all those organisations represented on the day.
We were honoured to hold this event in Exeter’s historic Guildhall, a building central in Devon life for 800 years. Due to the limitations of this special venue, places were strictly limited.
The day was Chaired by Malcolm Learmonth, Lead Art Psychotherapist and Arts & Environment Development Lead, Devon Partnership NHS Trust.
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